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  • An essay I wrote on The Matisse Chapel in Vence is slated for publication in the next issue of The First Day.

  • Thanks to the 18th Pale Descendents for inviting me to read from Morrissey's Autobiography  at Philadelphia's Trocadero back in January! Also, thanks to Madhouse Theater Company for performing my comedy sketches as part of  Montgomery County Community College's 50th Anniversary Celebration.

  • My short story "Madrid" is up at Apiary.




In Other News...

What I've Been Up To Lately

For the most part, I've been working on my third novel, which is tentatively titled Bugger! The Exclamation point is part of the title, but I have to admit that I'm excited to be nearing the end of my latest draft. With any luck, the book will be available sometime in the near future...

© 2013 by Marc Schuster. All rights reserved.

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